Simple Tips To Look After Long Hair

Long hair, short hair, shoulder length hair; no matter what the length of your hair is, it makes a marked impression on your personality. And this makes it all the more important to take great care of your hair. In case of short and shoulder length hair, caring and managing it will be a little easy as compared to long hair. Managing long hair requires not only care but also perseverance. 

Long, beautiful and healthy hair sure looks very attractive but achieving that attractive look does not come without effort. All goods things require hard work and when you decide to give even a little care to your hair, they are going to shine and bounce with health. 

Managing long hair tips need not be very complicated. All you need to do is incorporate some caring methods in your daily routine. Once they become part of a regular schedule, you will not have to take out extra time to care for your hair. 

After all, your hair is a part of your body. It still helps you make a statement. It depends upon you what kind of statement you desire to make. Include the following in your regular hair care routine to set eyes turning.

Wash: The longer the hair, the more scope for dirt and dust to get trapped. This will make the hair to look dull and lifeless. Washing long hair does take a little long but it is necessary. Try to wash every alternate day to keep your locks looking shiny and clean. Clean hair is also easier to comb and does not get tangled easily.

 Nourish: If you decide to keep your strands long, make sure to nourish them regularly. Nourishment will give you well-bodied hair. Hair packs such as egg and lemon; banana and honey; yoghurt and gram flour; mayonnaise are a good way to provide protein to the hair. Protein is the ingredient that gives you healthy hair.

Condition: Washing should always be followed by conditioning. Conditioning the hair helps avoid tangles, makes combing easy and keeps the hair looking healthy and glossy. Instead of going for store bought conditioners, try making use of ingredients at home to give your hair a natural treatment. Beer and apple cider vinegar work excellently as conditioners. An egg pack also doubles up as a conditioner.

 Oil: This is an important part of managing long hair. Oiling provides a good deal of nourishment to the scalp and hair strands. When you massage your scalp with oil, you help improve the circulation of blood in the scalp. It in turn helps improve the quality of hair. Your hair may be dead but the follicles are not and they need to be nourished if you need good hair.

Trim: Regular trimming of hair does not mean that you cut it too much. You need to get your hair an inch trimmed every six weeks. The thinning end will be trimmed off, your hair ends will look well-maintained and present a healthy side. Trimming also helps the hair to grow faster and better. 

Braid: If you have long hair, you would want to leave it loose but that is not possible at all times. If you know that the day ahead involves a lot of outdoor activity and needs you to be on your feet for long hours, you require some managing long hair tips. One such important tip would be to tie your hair in a ponytail or, better still, make plaits. You hair will be in place without getting entangled. 

Brush: A hundred brushes a day would keep hair looking and feeling healthy. Well, it may not be a hundred brushes but regular brushing does do good to the hair. It improves the scalp’s blood circulation and keeps hair strong and tangle free.