Best Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth

There are many people suffering from painful abscessed tooth. It is caused by a bacterial infection and it shows up as a collection of infected material on the gums. The abscessed tooth can occur due to a wide variety of reasons and it mainly causes pain in the center of the tooth. It is an infection in the root of a tooth or between the gums. It is very painful. Bacteria enter the abscessed tooth and multiply rapidly. It will spread the infection on to the bone that supports the tooth causing the tooth to ache. Bacteria will enter the tooth either through dental cavity or through chipped or cracked tooth. It will make its way to the root, and also causes swelling and inflammation to the root tip.

Causes of Tooth Abscess

The following are the causes of an abscessed tooth.
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Taking diets rich in sugary foods
  • Gingivitis
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Dental infection
  • Consuming sticky food in large quantities
  • Increased intake of carbohydrates
  • Gum disease
  • Weak immune system

Symptoms of Abscessed Tooth

The following are some of the common symptoms that are associated with tooth abscess.
  • Bad breath
  • Difficulty in opening your mouth
  • Feeling unwell
  • Fever
  • Aching in the infected area when biting something
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Insomnia
  • Soreness and redness in the gums
  • Foul tasting fluid discharge from the mouth
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Unexpected toothaches
  • Face swelling
  • Difficulty in opening your mouth
Tooth abscess should be treated as soon as possible as it has every chance to spread to your jaws and other areas of your neck and head. It can also cause serious tooth decay if left untreated. Sometimes, it might also result in life threatening complications. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, then it is time that you took a closer look at your tooth and get treatment for it right away.

Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth

The following are the easy and simple home remedies that will help you to find a solution to how to treat abscessed tooth problems. These are natural and effective home remedies that will not have any side effects at all.

1.    Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has antiseptic properties that work wonders on treating toothaches. It will help in destroying the bacteria that cause an abscessed tooth. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory property and hence will help in reducing the swelling or the inflammation of the gums.

Application Method 1

  • Take some peppermint oil on your fingertips and slowly apply it over the infected tooth.
  • Massage it gently on the infected area for a couple of minutes.
  • You will enjoy instant pain relief and also see a reduction in the infection when applied regularly.

Application Method 2

  • Take a small cotton ball and dip it in the peppermint oil. Apply this oil on the infected area.
  • You will experience less pain in the infected tooth.

Application Method 3

  • Take fresh peppermint leaves. Crush it to extract peppermint juice.
  • Apply this juice on the infected tooth to get instant pain relief. You can also crush  the peppermint leaves and apply it directly on the abscessed tooth.
  • Regular application will help in reducing toothache as well as clear the infection completely.

2.    Clove Oil

Clove oil is very effective in treating bacteria. It helps in easing the pain due to toothache and also reduces gum diseases. Clove oil has antifungal, antiseptic, analgesic and bactericidal properties. It is also rich in antioxidants and nutrients like manganese, fiber and omega-3s to provide great relief from inflammation and will also get rid of infection in your mouth.

Method 1

  • Take some clove oil on your finger and brush your teeth with this clove oil.
  • Make sure that you give light force when brushing the affected area.
  • You can also massage the gum gently with the clove oil for a few minutes to get instant relief from toothache and gum pains.

Method 2

  • Place a whole clove between your damaged tooth and the cheek. After some time, you can chew the clove in such a manner that it releases the juice.
  • Let the juice be there in your mouth for about 30 minutes or so. You will feel instant relief from abscessed tooth pain.

Method 3

  • Put clove powder (freshly ground) in an emptied tea bag and apply this to your affected tooth and the gums.
  • Keep it there for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this two to three times a day until the inflammation and the pain subsides.

Method 4

  • You can add a few drops of clove oil on gauze and apply it to the affected tooth and gums.
  • Hold it on the painful spots for a few minutes and repeat this process for 5 to 7 times. You will feel instant relief from pain.

Method 5

  • Ad hydrogen peroxide in a tablespoon of clove oil. Mix well and apply this mixture on the abscessed tooth as well as the painful gums with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Allow this mixture to rest over the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth with water.
  • You can repeat this process three to four times a day to reduce tooth pain and inflammation.

3.    Clove with Coconut Oil

  • In a frying pan, add a teaspoon of coconut oil. Heat it and then add 2 to 3 crushed cloves and fry it for one to two minutes on slow flame.
  • Remove the pan from heat and powder the fried cloves in a blender.
  • Apply this to the affected tooth and leave it there for about half an hour or so. This will help in reducing tooth pain due to abscessed tooth as well as gum inflammation.

4.    Clove in Sesame or Mustard Oil

  • Fry three to four cloves in sesame or mustard oil for a couple of minutes on low flame.
  • Remove from heat and powder it in a blender.
  • Apply this powder on the affected tooth to quickly get rid of pain and inflammation.

5.    Clove Oil and Olive Oil

  • Add ¼ teaspoon of olive oil in a small bowl and then add 2 to 3 drops of pure clove oil to it.
  • Mix them well. Take a cotton ball and soak it in this oil mixture for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Place the oil drenched cotton ball on the abscessed tooth either on its side or between the tooth and cheek.
  • Leave it there as long as possible.
  • Repeating this procedure two times a day can help in quickly reducing tooth pain and also reduce infection.

6.    Garlic

Garlic is a natural ingredient that will help in easily killing bacteria. It has potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that will help in preventing the bacteria development due to an abscessed tooth. It is loaded with sulfur compounds, like allicin that will help in fighting inflammation and infection.

Direction 1

  • Crush one or two pieces of garlic clove and then extract the juice inside.
  • Apply this juice with your fingers on the affected tooth.
  • Let it be there so that it can help in alleviating pain and infection.

Direction 2

  • Chew one or two pieces of garlic clove. If you feel pain subsiding slightly, then chew one piece of garlic clove one after the other until you completely get rid of the pain due to tooth abscesses.
  • You can also mix garlic juice extract with water and rinse your mouth and teeth with this juice. Repeat it three to four times in a day to feel lessening of tooth pain.

7.    Salt Water

If you are looking to reduce or lessen pain very quickly, then salt is a great remedy. Salt water has anti-inflammation and pain reducing properties that can easily help in reducing pain due to an abscessed tooth. It will do its job on the infection in the tooth and prevent it from spreading all over the mouth.


  • Take one teaspoon of ordinary salt or refined salt or even Epsom salt and mix it in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Once the salt dissolves completely, you can rinse your mouth with this water. You need to repeat this process several times in a day to break free from tooth pain.
  • One thing to remember is that it would be a bit painful in the first few washes. Slowly you will feel relief from pain and infection.

8.    Turmeric

Turmeric is a natural ingredient that is rich in antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a great remedy to ease pain caused due to tooth abscesses and it will also help in reducing inflammation in the mouth.

Method 1

  • Add a teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of lukewarm water to make a solution.
  • Wash your mouth thoroughly and then swish this solution in your mouth.
  • Repeat this process regularly for a few days to get relief from infection and tooth pain.

Method 2

  • Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a small bowl and then add enough water to make a smooth turmeric paste.
  • Clean your mouth thoroughly and then apply this paste with your finger on the abscessed tooth and gum.
  • You can dip a soft cotton ball in this mixture and then apply it on the affected tooth.
  • Repeat this application regularly for a few days until the pain subsides.

Method 3

  • Mix ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder in a teaspoon of oil.
  • Gently apply this mixture on the gums and the infected tooth. Leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off and rinse your mouth thoroughly. You will experience relief from  tooth pain and swelling.

9.    Raw Plantain

Raw plantain is another effective home remedy that will provide you the answer on how to treat abscessed tooth fast. It will help in reducing the tooth pain as well as its symptoms along with reducing the swelling of the gums. It will also get rid of the infection.


  • Take a few fresh plantain leaves and crush them finely.
  • Apply these crushed leaves on the affected tooth.
  • Leave it to rest on the tooth for about 20 to 25 minutes.
  • You will experience a reduction in the pain. Now you can remove the paste from the tooth and then rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Repeat this procedure several times in a day to get relief from swelling as well as tooth pain.

10.    Baking Soda

Baking soda is an ingredient that will help in increasing the pH level of the saliva to normal levels. The saliva will help in the remineralization of the teeth and will make it resistant to infection.  Baking soda is a very effective mechanical cleanser for the teeth and the gums and will help in treating abscessed tooth.


  • In a small bowl, add half a teaspoon of baking soda and salt. Mix them well.
  • Now dip a small cotton ball in water and then coat it in the baking soda and salt mixture.
  • Place the cotton ball on the affected tooth or place it in between the infected tooth and cheek.
  • Allow it to sit there for several hours and repeat this process regularly to remove the pus formation in the gums as well as to completely do away with the infection.
  • You can even use baking soda directly on the affected tooth to get relief from pain.
  • You can also rinse your mouth with baking soda solution. This solution is prepared by mixing a teaspoon or one and a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of lukewarm water.

11.    Herbal Tea Bag

Tea is a rich source of tannin that will help in clearing the toxins. It has astringent properties that will help in absorbing the pus or toxins. It is very effective and natural home remedy to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation caused by abscessed tooth.


  • Take an herbal tea bag and soak it in water to make tea.
  • Remove the tea bag from the water and place it on top of the infected tooth.
  • You need to leave it there for few hours or overnight.
  • You need to rinse your mouth with salt water and hydrogen peroxide solution to get rid of the pus that is released in your mouth on application of the tea bag.
  • Repeat this process on a regular basis to break free from tooth pain and infection problems.

12.     Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the popular home remedies to treat an abscessed tooth is apple cider vinegar. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties.


  • Take a tablespoon of organic raw apple cider vinegar and pour it in your mouth.
  • Swish it in your mouth for a few minutes and then spit it out completely. Do not swallow it.
  • Rinse your mouth afterwards. Repeat this process several times in a day to get relief from tooth abscess.
  • Another way to enjoy relief from tooth pain due to tooth abscess is to add a teaspoon of pure organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it once in the morning and in the evening every day.

13.     Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural remedy that is effective in killing bacteria as it has disinfectant properties. It will also help in lessening inflammation and pain in your tooth.


  • In a small bowl, mix 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with a tablespoon of warm water. Make sure that it is mixed well in water.
  • Now pour this mixture in your mouth and swish it for a few minutes. Spit it out completely. Make sure that the liquid comes in contact with the tooth abscess in your mouth for this treatment to be effective.
  • You can even dip a cotton ball in this solution and place it on the infected tooth for a few hours.
  • Repeat this process regularly to get relief from pain and to reduce the infection.

14.     Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds have natural pain reliving and antibacterial properties. It will help in providing complete relief from tooth pain due to tooth abscess and will also reduce the infection caused by bacteria on the infected tooth.


  • In a saucepan, add 4 teaspoons of sesame seeds and a cup of water. Stir this well and then boil this mixture for about 5 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and allow it to cool for a few minutes.
  • Take a cotton ball and dip it in this sesame seeds water and apply it on the infected tooth.
  • Make sure that you rub the solution all over the abscessed tooth and repeat this procedure all throughout the day to get rid of the tooth infection.

15.     Calendula

The leaves of the Calendula are effective in reducing the inflammation in your mouth as well as controlling tooth pain.


  • Crush a few fresh Calendula leaves to make it like a coarse paste.
  • Apply it directly on the infected tooth using a cotton ball or cotton swab. Leave it to rest for one hour or so.
  • Repeat this process several times a day until you experience a reduction in the pain and inflammation.

16.    Oil Pulling

This is an ancient Ayurvedic method for preventing tooth infections. This method has been in practice for centuries to maintain oral hygiene. Oil pulling practice will prevent the growth of bacteria in between teeth and on the walls of the oral cavity. The lipids present in the coconut oil has anti-bacterial and antiviral properties and kills the bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms causing the infection. This helps to prevent infections and speed up the healing of an abscessed tooth.


  • Take one tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil
  • Swish your mouth using this organic coconut oil for about 15 minutes to pull out the harmful microorganisms
  • Do not swallow the oil, spit out the oil after 15 minutes
  • Finally, rinse off the mouth using warm water
  • Repeat the oil pulling 2-3 times a day to get complete relief from the problem.

17.    Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is a highly effective home remedy for abscessed tooth and other gum diseases. Oregano oil is capable of relieving the tooth pain and infection as it has anti- bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti- viral and anti-fungal properties. Oregano oil increases the immunity of the body and helps the body to fight tooth infections and speed up healing process. Oregano oil can be used in different convenient method as a treatment for an abscessed tooth.

Method – 1 (Direct Application)

  • Take 2-3 drops of oregano oil and apply it directly on the affected tooth and gum
  • Leave the oil in the infected area for some time to get relief from pain
  • Repeat this 3-4 times a day to clear the infection and to get rid of the pain

Method -2 (As Mouthwash)

  • Mix 3-5 drops of oregano oil in ¼ cup of warm water and stir well
  • Use this solution as a mouthwash to swish the mouth for about 10 minutes
  • Make sure that the mouthwash reaches the area of soreness
  • Repeat the remedy 3-4 times a day to get relief from pain and to clear the infection.

Method -3 (With Colloidal Silver)

  • First, you have to place a few drops of oregano oil in your mouth. This will help to cleanse your mouth
  • Spit out the oregano oil and swallow the colloidal silver. Colloidal silver helps to improve the immune system and reduces pain and inflammation.
  • You can also rub some colloidal silver on the infected tooth or gum to get instant pain relief.
  • Using colloidal silver as a mouthwash is also beneficial in treating abscessed tooth.

18.    Olive Oil

Olive oil can reduce the pain and inflammation associated with an abscessed tooth. Olive oil contains a special component called eugenol, which kills the bacteria.  The anti -bacterial activity helps in faster healing of the sore.


  • Take 1-2 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Take a small cotton ball and soak it in the olive oil
  • Apply the olive oil to the affected area using the cotton ball
  • Repeat the application of olive oil at least 2-3 times a day to cure the problem

19.    Self Treatment

There are some self treatment methods which help you to eliminate the problem of abscess tooth.


  • Observe the abscess which develops near the decaying tooth carefully.
  • Keep ready items such as a sharp pin or needle, antiseptic mouthwash, cotton balls, tooth brush and tooth paste
  • Boil the needle or pin in water for about 10 minutes to sterilize it and allow it to cool
  • Brush your teeth, gums and tongue to clean it thoroughly
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash to rinse your mouth. Keep the solution in mouth for at least 30 seconds.
  • Wet the cotton balls using the antiseptic mouth wash
  • Using the sterilized needle pierce the abscess carefully
  • Push out the pus using your finger. Remove as much  pus as possible
  • Clean the pus using the cotton balls dipped in mouthwash
  • Dab some mouthwash on the sore area
  • Repeat pressing and removing the pus every 3-4 hours
  • If the pus do not drain completely repeat the cleaning process next day. Care should be taken not to insert the needle in the same point on the gum.
  • When the pus get completely drained, take necessary antibiotic prescribed by your doctor to prevent any further infection

20.     Potatoes

Raw potatoes are very effective in getting rid of infection. But, they take time to clear the infection.


  • Cut a raw potato into small pieces.
  • Place a small piece of potato on the tooth that you are having trouble with. Make sure that you place it in that position overnight.
  • Next morning, you can remove the potato piece in your mouth and you will find that the pain and swelling around the abscessed tooth is gone.
  • If you would like to clear the infection properly, then use it every night till you feel that the bacterial infection is gone.

21.    Cold Compress

Cold compress or pack around the tooth abscess area will help in giving you instant relief from pain.


  • Take a few ice cubes from the refrigerator and place it on a clean wet cloth. Cover the cloth so that the ice cubes are tightly packed inside the cloth.
  • Place this wet cloth over the affected area from the outside of your mouth.
  • Keep it there for a few minutes to get instant relief from pain as well as inflammation. This will help you to get good sleep.
  • You can even use frozen things in a bag and place it over the outside of the affected area.
  • You can also use ice cold water bottle to give a cold compress in the infected area from the outside.
  • Repeat this process whenever you feel pain due to an abscessed tooth.

22.     Antibiotics

One of the easiest methods to get rid of excruciating pain due to tooth abscess is to take antibiotics.
  • Paracetamol tablets are very effective in reducing pain.
  • Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that most doctors recommend to get rid of pain due to bad tooth.
  • Ibuprofen is another drug that will help in alleviating pain as well as reduce swelling.

23.    Papaya

Papaya is a very healthy fruit that is loaded with antioxidants as well as the nutrients needed for the body. It will help in eliminating the bacteria in the tooth and will help in getting rid of toothache. It will also help in quickening the recovery process of an abscessed tooth.


  • Peel off the skin of a fresh papaya and cut it into slices.
  • Rub a slice of the papaya on the tooth abscess and also on the gum tissues that is surrounding the tooth.
  • Leave it to rest on the tooth and the gum for an hour or so.
  • Rinse the mouth with a good mouthwash and you will enjoy great relief from the infection.
  • Repeat this process for a few days so that you get complete relief from the tooth infection.

24.    Goldenseal

  • Take half a teaspoon of Goldenseal powder and apply it directly on the infected tooth.
  • Leave it there for about 20 to 30 minutes and then wash your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash.
  • Repeat this process for a few days to get complete relief from toothache.

25.    Echinacea

  • You can take Echinacea in the form of tea internally to get relief from tooth pain.
  • Apply Echinacea powder on the abscessed tooth directly and keep it there for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly and apply this powder regularly for a few days to get complete relief from the infection.

Homeopathic Treatments to Treat Tooth Abscess

The following are some of the homeopathic treatments that you can use to heal your abscessed tooth.
  • Silicea (will help in removing pus)
  • Pulsatilla (given to patients with sensitive tooth problems)
  • Hepar sulphuris (treats tooth abscess accompanied with pus)
  • Bryonia (pain reliever)
  • Belladonna (gets rid of pain and redness due to tooth abscess)
  • Myristica (relief to swollen areas around the infected tooth)

Tips to Reduce the problem of Abscessed Tooth

Sometimes the pain due to abscessed tooth will be severe and sometimes you may not be in a position to meet the dentist to treat the problem immediately. In such cases the pain can be controlled temporarily using the tips given below. Some of these tips will also reduce the chances of developing abscessed tooth.
  1. If the pain is unbearable opt for over the counter pain killers such as acetaminophen or  ibuprofen to get relief from pain and inflammation
  2. Always try to use fluoride containing toothpaste and fluorinated drinking water  to reduce the chances of abscess.
  3. Regular Use of dental floss or inter dental cleaner  prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity  and prevents dental infections
  4. Change your toothbrush in every 3-4 months to ensure proper cleaning of the teeth.
  5. Make regular visits to the dentist for  checkups and for cleaning the teeth
  6. Use an antiseptic mouthwash or a fluoride containing mouth wash to protect the teeth from infections and decay.
  7. Reduce the consumption of sugary items and cleanse the mouth after eating sugary items
  8. When you are suffering from an abscessed tooth, avoid taking caffeine. Caffeine influences the glucose metabolism and elevates sugar levels, which increases the chances of infection. Caffeine also affects the functions of liver and other endocrine glands.
  9. Applying olive leaf extract or taking the supplements containing olive extract helps to heal the infection and reduce the pain
  10. Using Bromelain supplements also reduces the pain due to an abscessed tooth
  11. Do not use excess pressure while brushing your teeth. Applying force will cause damage to the gums resulting bleeding of the gums. Always use a toothbrush with soft bristles to clean the teeth.
  12. Try to keep your teeth clean and neat by quitting smoking and the use of other tobacco products.
  13. Apply powdered Echinacea or Goldenseal directly on the affected tooth and gum to relieve the pain and to cure infection
  14. Boost your immune system by consuming 1000 mg of vitamin C in the capsule form. This will help the body to fight the infection.
  15. In ½ glass of water, add ¼ teaspoon of potassium carbonate, and use this solution as mouthwash. Rinse your mouth using this solution 3-4 times a day to treat abscesses.
  16. Rinsing the mouth with 1-2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract will help to relieve pain.
  17. Avoid using chewing gums during infection
  18. To prevent the development of abscessed tooth take a healthy diet containing omega -3- fatty acids, wheat grass, onions, raw tomatoes, cashews, fresh fruits and vegetables etc. A healthy diet can boost the immune system and prevent infections.
  19. Rinse your mouth using warm salt water twice a day to clear the infection and to reduce the discomfort and pain due to infection.
It is extremely important to get proper treatment for abscess tooth as the infection can easily spread to other areas of the body such as neck, jaws, head etc leading to more complications. The infection can affect even the working of brain and heart. You can use the above home remedies to cure the infection and consult your dentist to ensure that the infection is completely prevented.